Startling security cam shot showing why our chairs, and desk items, are sometimes rearranged when we are not here.

Startling security cam shot showing why our chairs, and desk items, are sometimes rearranged when we are not here.
Three parts from elevators or escalators. Three riddles. The challenge: Can you name that part?
(As always, if you can’t view the above video from your computer, you’ll probably have more luck on your smartphone.)
In case you didn’t see it, we were giving away a remote control Star Wars BB8 droid:
Well, the winner was Kim Benge, and she reports that BB8 has arrived safely and is settling in at his new home with her and her son Nick:
May the force be with you, Kim and Nick! Oh, and tell BB8 that R2D2 says, “Be-doop, boop, boopity-boop squeal zzrt vip vip beep!”
Happy Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you…