A surprise to some, MAC Door Equipment is still made and supported, and KONE Spares was, and still is, the original source of MAC.
Friday Focus Video: Replacing the obsolete V3F16L drive
It’s highly recommended to replace, instead of repair, the V3F16L drive … and we have just the replacement to make your life easier!
Do We Have A Parts Catalog?
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is, “Can you send me a catalog?”
We have more than you know…
…for less than you think! The impression that some have that our prices are high is way out of date. Meghan and Kelly discuss what has been going on and how things have changed.
Our BB8 Droid’s New Home
In case you didn’t see it, we were giving away a remote control Star Wars BB8 droid:
Well, the winner was Kim Benge, and she reports that BB8 has arrived safely and is settling in at his new home with her and her son Nick:

May the force be with you, Kim and Nick! Oh, and tell BB8 that R2D2 says, “Be-doop, boop, boopity-boop squeal zzrt vip vip beep!”
Return of the Jedi – Missing Elevator Scene
Happy Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you…
Introducing the KONE Spares Lift Aide!
Well, actually, we’re just introducing the new video. We’ve had the product available for a while now.
Just another example of how we’re dedicated to making your life easier … and safer!