Lift Aide instead of First Aide

Continuing our week of highlighting safety, today we want to introduce you to something we designed for ourselves, and now provide to the industry.

This is our Lift Aide system, which we developed to prevent strains or injury when lifting heavy escalator controllers in or out of escalator pits. The Lift Aide is certified with a lift capacity of 200 pounds, providing an easier means of removing heavy controllers for escalator servicing.

How does it work? A support bracket is permanently installed inside the escalator pit. The Lift-Aide easily slides into this support bracket, providing a safe and almost effortless means of lifting the controller out for service.

Extra brackets and hardware are available, so you can install them into all of the difficult units you have in service. That way only one Lift Aide is needed, as it can easily be moved from unit to unit.

For more information, see our website: KONE Spares Lift Aide »

Splitting Flat Elevator Cable

What is so special about splitting flat elevator cable?

The need for safety.

When the elevator industry began to use flat traveling cables, the task of stripping the PVC cable jacket introduced the need for customized tools.

In the interest of safety, KONE Spares engineers designed a special cable splitter for flat cables that both increased safety and made it much easier to cut the jacket and get to undamaged wires inside.

For added safety, always wear cut-resistant gloves when using any cable splitting device.

More information about this KONE Spares exclusive tool can be found on our website here: KONE Spares Flat Cable Splitter

Our BB8 Droid’s New Home

In case you didn’t see it, we were giving away a remote control Star Wars BB8 droid:

Well, the winner was Kim Benge, and she reports that BB8 has arrived safely and is settling in at his new home with her and her son Nick:

May the force be with you, Kim and Nick! Oh, and tell BB8 that R2D2 says, “Be-doop, boop, boopity-boop squeal zzrt vip vip beep!”