Featured Solutions

Engineered Escalator Solutions
An ensemble of safety and aesthetic upgrades to enhance and assist with code compliance on vintage escalators. More safety, less downtime, and increased rider comfort.

Montgomery HR Escalator Safety Upgrade
Includes everything needed to update Montgomery HR Escalators to current ASME 17.1-2016 code, including a new microprocessor controller.

Montgomery HR Series Escalator Comb Plate Impact Upgrade Kit
This comb-impact device assembly may be installed on any Montgomery HR Series model type and shall satisfy the requirements outlined in ASME A17.1 – 2016 Section 8.7.6 Alterations code rule, which references the ASME A17.1 – 2016 Section 6.1 code rule

Escalator Comb Plate Impact Device Spring Reliability Upgrade
This upgrade utilizes a “compression spring” providing for an improved maintenance process and reliability through less frequent lubrication, repair, and simpler adjustment requirements. This improved design is recommended for all HR Series comb plate applications.

Ultraviolet Escalator Handrail Sterilization System
This internally installed UV sterilization module will continuously zap those nasty little bugs to help keep them from multiplying and spreading.

Cast Step Replacement Program
Make your escalator look like new by replacing old steel bodied steps with our easy-to-install drop-in cast aluminum step.

Missing Escalator Step Detector Kit featuring Touchless Proximity Sensors
The KONE Spares Missing Step Detector Kit employs touchless proximity sensors instead of mechanical rollers to detect missing steps, virtually eliminating wear and reducing false stops.

Emergency Escalator Stop Button
By placing the KONE Spares Slimline Power Stop station at the top of the escalator handrail newel, it provides passengers with easier access and greater visibility to an essential safety feature. Available as a newel-mounted or stand-alone pedestal.

Escalator Handrail Static Discharge Rollers
Older escalators lacking a static discharge system for the handrails can give the riding public an unpleasantly shocking experience. Eliminate that situation by adding these rollers, which safely ground the handrails and drain away that static charge.

E5000 Escalator Repair Parts Packaging
Like for Like Component Replacement for E5000 Escalators. KONE Spares will work with you to provide repair parts packages for existing E5000 escalators.

Montgomery HR Escalator Gearbox Repair Kit
KONE Spares offers a complete rebuild kit for the 60A (round top) gearboxes for Montgomery HR

Genuine Top Quality OEM Escalator Chain
Anyone who tells you that after-market escalator chain is equal to OEM chain does not know the facts. We make sure you have the right chain for the right job — there is no “one size fits all” escalator chain. Using other than OEM chain can put your riders at risk and you in a position of exposure not just now, but for years to come.

Escalator Handrail Replacements
We understand the word “urgent” when it comes to escalator handrail replacement material. Trust your order to us.

New Technology (NT) Handrails
Longer lasting, more environmentally friendly, customizable with your branding or special messages, and available in several colors, this NT (New Technology) handrail is also available with built-in anti-microbial properties.

Safety Deck Guards and Caution Signage
Posting safety signage on deck barricades makes the safety messaging visible from a greater distance and also from a wider viewing angle, as compared to inner decking caution signage.

KONE Green LED Escalator Step Demarcation Lights
These CSA-Certified green LED demarcation lights are easy to install with a direct replacement mounting bracket (included) for Montgomery/KONE HR, E5000, and ECO3000 escalators, and are readily adaptable to other manufacturer’s escalator units.

Spline Brake Upgrades for HR Escalators
Upgrading the old pin brakes to these permanent magnet spline brakes can help make your old Montgomery HR Escalator smoother, safer, and reduce maintenance.

Avert Escalator Skirt Brushes
Avoid clothing or limb entrapments on the side of escalator steps. The Avert step skirt brush meets all global escalator safety code requirements.

Phase protection helps prevent elevator motor burnout during low-voltage situations & accurate selection of motor current to increase component life. Now also available for Escalator applications — call for details.